There are many ways to establish yourself as the go-to person in your field. It’s all about increasing your visibility and enhancing your reputation — without a hint of hard sell. Instead you should be generously sharing insights, helping others and finding new ways to reach out.
Here are 10 ideas to inspire you:
- Write blogs and case studies. As well as writing blogs for your own website, try writing guest blogs for others in order to reach new audiences. And don’t forget case studies — they show you in action, doing what you do best.
- Become a valuable contact for the media. Journalists need experts to provide facts, figures, contacts and quotes. Instead of bombarding them with press releases, find out how you can help them.
- Speak out. Get to know event organisers in your sector and make contact with local business groups — then offer your services as a speaker at meetings and conferences. And if there’s a new development in your sector, why not hold your own seminar and invite clients and prospects? Be the trusted adviser that can explain complex issues and is there to help.
- Share and share alike. There are so many platforms where you can share your knowledge — you can post tips and useful links on Twitter, retweet great posts, answer queries on forums, join LinkedIn groups and discussions and add your own valuable comments on other people’s content.
- Give back. Sharing your experience and knowledge with those starting out in business or helping community or charitable enterprises is very rewarding. And it won’t go unnoticed.
- Meet more people. Online networking is a wonderful thing but there’s nothing like a face-to-face event to forge some great new relationships. Always get in touch after the event with any resources or contacts that you promised in person.
- Establish a strategic partnership. Working with another business that offers complementary products and services to yours allows you to share your expertise for mutual benefit.
- Produce an email newsletter. Done well, a regular newsletter can become a valued resource for your target audience and helps drive traffic to all the great content on your website.
- Get creative. Sharing your expertise is not all about the written word. Try making a short podcast or video to help bring an issue to life. Or if you want to highlight some important facts and figures, design a compelling infographic.
- Write a book. We’ve helped others write books and now we have finally put our money where our mouth is and written the Valuable Content Marketing book. It really is the ultimate way to showcase your expertise. If you are not yet ready to write a book, start with a white paper — it’s a great way to impress new clients.
We think being generous and valuable is the best way to prove your expertise.
How about you? Have you become the go-to person in your field? We’d love to hear about your experience.
More valuable content:
- How to write content so search engines will find you and people will like you
- The real benefits of writing a business book
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