12 days of Christmas – 12 days of Valuable Content Awards

Can you believe it, it’s December! The run up to Christmas has started in earnest here in Bristol. So as it is a time of sharing and celebration here, we wanted to do something a bit special this year.  We’ve had a quiet few months, focusing hard on writing the next edition of the book and not getting out much, so we wanted to say a big Christmassy thank you to the people and businesses who have inspired us to keep on writing through the dark.

Marketing with valuable content is not easy, and the people on our list have all demonstrated content marketing creativity, resilience and true staying power.  We’ll be raising a sherry and a Snowball to each one of them!

So here’s to our 12 Christmas content heroes.  Our gift to them is one of our highly coveted Valuable Content Award badges – and our gift to you is a quick snapshot of insight and inspiration to help make your marketing even more successful in 2015.

The first VC Award goes to Henneke Duistermaat

Henneke’s award is for championing of the art of blogging, helping people become better writers, and for her unique visual style. (We LOVE the way she illustrates her own posts.)

Henneke Duistermaat

Her blogs are always a joy to read – she makes us laugh and think and wish we’d written it too. She’s fab at always replying to comments and building relationships – she builds a supportive pack of people around everything she does. Warm, clever and irreverent. We adore her!

Congratulations Henneke! Your award badge is on its way. Do send us a picture, and very well deserved.

Takeaways from Henneke

  • Don’t be boring. Whether it’s words or pictures, don’t be afraid to put your personality centre stage. It will help you get found and remembered.
  • Be warm and approachable. From the words you use in your blogs to your response to people’s comments – one warm, friendly, helpful voice throughout.
  • Create a unique illustrative style for your content. Whether that’s your own work or the work of a professional designer, this will really help to make your content stand out.
  • And when people find you, nurture them well. That’s the way to build a community.

Henneke’s content highlights

Too many to count really as her content is always first class, but here are two of her best bits in our view.

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