A cheeky Valuable Content Award for Noisy Little Monkey

Noisy Little Monkey is a specialist search and social media marketing agency. A small agency, they are very loud online. Here’s why they deserve a Valuable Content Award.

Sonja and Sharon like the Noisy Little Monkeys’ style

Everyone tells you to ‘be yourself’ in business but how far should you go? If you take a leaf out of our ninth special Valuable Content Award winner’s book, then it’s further than you think. In a world of safe corporate voices, the chatter from Noisy Little Monkey stands out a mile, and we love it.

Noisy Little Monkey is a specialist search and social media marketing agency.  A small agency, they are very loud online. They’re based at the back of Aardman’s offices just down the road from us at Spike Island, Bristol. If you want marketing or techno jargon, whizzy black hat techniques or slick sales, then they probably aren’t the agency for you.  But if you do want creative and innovative help with your online strategy, and a load of fun into the bargain, then Noisy Little Money could be just what you’re looking for.

Their About Us page sets the very un-corporate tone: “A small agency is a bit like a family and we like that.  We have an office dog that sleeps under a desk and often client presentations are on comfy sofas with homemade cakes, rather than in an meeting room filled with chrome and designer lighting.  That’s the joy of an internet based business: you can run a business where you want to live and how you want to live and still have a global client base and growth of 60% year on year.”

They sail very close to the wind with their blog content – cheeky, a bit sweary (actually, quite a lot sweary in some cases) and opinionated. The resulting copy is funny and irreverent. It gives you a real sense of what they’d be like to work with – energetic, imaginative and unconventional. Director Jon Payne is the same in the real world as he is online. Definitely not boring!

Jon Payne

Noisy Little Monkey’s content follows the principle we preach of using your content as a filter and not a magnet. The people who love their stuff really love it. If it doesn’t appeal, well, it’s unlikely that you’d work well together and that’s fine too.

So let rip and have some fun with your content!

Congratulations Noisy Little Monkeys. Your award badge is on its way.

Takeaways from the Noisy Little Monkeys

  • Be yourself. It takes confidence to slip out from behind a safe business mask, but it pays dividends. Do it your own way!
  • Remember people buy from people. Being a real person, not a corporate face, wins on the internet as it does in the real world.
  • Let your hair down. Rants are good for business.
  • Make people laugh. We all love people who make us smile.

Noisy Little Monkey content highlights

More festive Valuable Content Award winners to steal ideas from

  1. Henneke Duistermaat for championing the art of blogging, and her unique visual style
  2. Designer Christian Tait at Creative Cadence for helpful, business-focused content
  3. The team at Sugru for inspirational product marketing that makes people smile
  4. Mark Masters for putting his natural curiosity to good use with his Talking Content series
  5. Sian Tucker at fforest for the stunning @coldatnight Instagram feed
  6. Canopy & Stars for their simple, beautiful checklist
  7. Wallet makers Bellroy, for connecting content with commerce
  8. Law firm Clutton Cox for hard working, resourceful and downright useful legal content that gets results.
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