Get your business positioning and content thinking just right

Join Valuable Content School – online, and learn the Valuable Content Formula

Next group starts first week in December, 2018

Register for the next online programme

We’ll send you our content strategy tips and workbook so you can start thinking straight away.

Email Sonja

“We’ve rebranded, we have a much clearer idea of the type of business we want to be.”

Adam Richardson

Raise Architects

I found my voice so I can now write much more easily and fluently about what I do.” 

Dr Helen McCarthy

The Appetite Doctor (formerly Delicious Dieting)

“We have created a new brand and there has been a significant upturn in new enquiries even though we are still in soft launch stage. I am more confident going out there in the world with our stories and messages and that is already having an impact.” 

Sue Richardson

The Right Book Company (formerly Sue Richardson Associates)


  • What happens if I miss a session?  The group lessons are recorded, so you’ll be able to catch up.
  • Is there much homework? Homework is a key part of the learning, so aim to put aside a couple of hours a week while you’re on the course.
  • Will you mark my work? Feedback is important, and we’ll give you useful pointers to help you develop your thinking and the website content that you create.
  • Will I get individual one-to-one support? One-to-one support is included in the Silver and Gold packages.
  • How is the course delivered? Group lessons are delivered via Zoom, all the course material is delivered and stored on Basecamp.
  • What happens after the course? You’ll have access to all the course material on Basecamp, so you can revisit the lessons whenever you like. Additional group support is also available.
  • Is the course open to anyone? Yes, but we’ll chat to you on the phone before we sign you up. The call is for us to learn more about you and your challenge, and to check that this course is right for you.
  • What do I do now? Click the ‘Save me a (virtual) seat button’ and we’ll be in touch soon.

Join Virtual Pub School

Apply to join the next virtual valuable content marketing programme, starting November 2018

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