Your valuable content test score:

Emergency content case!

All is not lost but you are definitely missing a trick with your marketing. It doesn’t sound like a source of happiness for your business, and things could be so much better. On the plus side, the only way is up from here! And we’ve written this book for you. We recommend you start at Part One and get yourself into the valuable content mindset. This will talk you through the ‘why’ of marketing this way, and the real-life case studies will inspire you to get going. Part One of the book covers:

  • Buying has changed. Has your marketing caught up?
  • What is valuable content and why does it win you business?
  • Guiding principles for your valuable content.

The rest of the book leads you step-by-step through the various content building blocks (Part 2), and then shows you how to join them up and turn your website into a powerful lead generating machine (Part 3). If you want to get found on the web and continually generate good leads from your marketing efforts, with prospects coming to you, this book will really help. Read it and act on it to transform your content and win more of the work you want. Good luck! And let us know how it goes.

Sonja and Sharon

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