How to tackle the content monster if you’re feeling overwhelmed and left behind

Does it feel like everyone except you is in on the content publishing act these days? Relax. Here’s our super-simple, pared back guide to making blogging happen.

Feeding the content generation monster

Does it feel like everyone except you is in on the content publishing act these days?

Other people write newsletters and publish ideas that help build their businesses, and you’re getting left behind. There are so many monster hurdles to overcome that you just feel like you can’t do it.

Aside from the almighty mountain of ‘what the hell do I write?’ there are numerous other obstacles in the way, some of which you’re embarrassed to own up to.

You don’t actually know how to publish a blog. So even if by some miracle you did write something half-way decent, you wouldn’t know what to do with it. There are 12 year olds with YouTube Channels, but you’re in the dark over the absolute basics. Technology is a huge blocker, the amount of advice out there is overwhelmingly confusing, and you’re slipping further behind every day.

If that sounds embarrassingly familiar, then this post is for you.

You’re absolutely not alone. There are lots of great people who are arriving fashionably late to the content publishing party. If you want to write and publish blogs, but are finding it insurmountably difficult to actually do it, here’s our super simple, pared back guide to getting into action and writing and publishing that first blog.

The Monster Questions to tackle first

First of all stop worrying. Relax.

Ask yourself:

a) Why am I doing this? It’s not the law – many good companies don’t blog or tweet and they still survive. It’s a choice. Do you want to do it? If the answer’s no, then don’t. Make the decision and move on. Put the time you’re wasting fretting about not blogging to better use.

b) Who am I doing this for? If you don’t know who you’re writing for, then save your energy and don’t publish a blog. The only good reason to blog is to help people that you care about. If you want to make a difference think about how to share your knowledge. NB: Once you put the focus on helping someone else, and take it off you and your ideas it often becomes easier to write. How can you help?

So, if you definitely do want to do it, and you know who you are writing for, here’s our one-step-at-a-time guide to making blogging happen.

Seize control and slay the content monster

  1. Commit to ONE thing. Make that one thing writing something useful. It’s so easy to get tugged in hundreds of directions, and swamped by worries about all the things you don’t know. Forget about the technicalities of SEO, the vagaries of social media. Forget about an email newsletter (yeah, it’s really helpful at some point but if you’re struggling to get started then give yourself a break and park that idea for now). You can even forget about your website. Commit to writing ONE POST and get it up on LinkedIn. Work on your website later. That’ll do just fine.
  2. Use your passion. Write about something you’re passionate about and interested in. If it’s not of interest to you then you’ll quickly lose heart. Choose something that will be helpful and interesting to your reader too. Start with a real question a client has asked you, one you’ve got a good answer to. That’s always a great place to start.
  3. Write it to help one person. Write it for someone you know, a client, (or someone you’d like as a client). Someone who is struggling with a challenge that you can help with. If it helps ONE person you’ve done a brilliant job. Who cares if no-one else reads it and likes it (but I BET they will).
  4. Ask someone you trust to proof read it for you. If you’re anxious that you might be making silly mistakes in your writing, get a quick second opinion before you publish. Find a writing buddy and it’ll help with motivation too.
  5. Publish it. That’s where the value lies. It doesn’t have to be perfect. If you don’t have a blog on your website (or you don’t have a website) then publish on LinkedIn (This step-by-step guide by Hubspot shows you how to publish on LinkedIn). It’s very easy. If you can use Word then you can publish on LinkedIn.
  6. Or find someone to post it for you. If even the idea of cutting and pasting a document into LinkedIn is stopping you from blogging, pay someone else to do it for you.
  7. Repeat. It doesn’t have to be daily, or weekly or even monthly (although monthly would be good). Just because others find time to do it very regularly doesn’t mean you have to. Once you’ve started and realised how much it helps you might find you like it and want to write more regularly. Get the first one under your belt and see how you feel.

Yes, it’s scary, but we promise the sky won’t fall down. And no, you don’t have to do it. Blogging or not blogging, it’s in your control. You can say no, and the sky still won’t fall down. But if you want blog then cut out the noise, focus simply on being helpful for someone you care about and just do it.

Go somewhere nice to write if it helps. Make writing a treat. You’ll feel so much better getting it out, making a step. And with each post you’ll gain confidence and learn.

You’ve got to start somewhere so (if you really want to) start now.

Other stuff that might help:

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  1. Geoff

    Useful as ever. I’m going to declare a summer vacation soon and put the beast to bed for a few weeks!

  2. VC

    Cheers Geoff. A very well deserved vacation for you! You’ve created some awesome content this year. Have fun, and speak soon. Sonja


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