How do we make content marketing work?

“What content should I create? I’m over-stretched already – how do I find the time? I need a strategy but I don’t know where to start. How do I get my team motivated? How do I measure what we’re doing? How does content marketing fit with sales, PR, social media? How do I make this change stick?”

The content marketing challenge

what is content marketing

Content marketing has touched down like a hurricane sweeping through marketing land; devastating old thinking, laying waste to the faceless mass email spew out, putting a halt to interruptive techniques like cold calling and waging war with spam. Extraordinary victories, you must admit, certainly worthy of a medal or two! But how does it work?

There’s a big leap to make between deciding to choose a content marketing approach, and making it work for you.

Get it right

If you get it right you’ll find that your marketing and business development become much simpler. You and your team will be inspired and equipped to talk about what you do across digital platforms and in the real world. You’ll have a plan for what you’ll be creating for the coming year. Creating valuable content will become part of the rhythm of what you do.

Get it wrong

Kick off content marketing without a clear strategy and you’ll find that content creation is a piecemeal and ultimately unrewarding affair – both in terms of your time and in the leads it generates. It’s a tough game if you get it wrong!

The Valuable Content approach

Like you, we know that high quality content is key to successful marketing today. We’re keen to help you understand how content marketing really works, so that you can harness it to build the successful business of your dreams.

If you want to make content marketing work you need a game plan. An effective content marketing strategy starts with objectives and ends with results – a process and a plan to get you from A to B using the content on your website and beyond.

Take a strategic approach to content marketing

  • You will have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. This will help as you work to get everyone behind it.
  • You always have something to talk about in your content.
  • You will be able to create a plan for the blogs, videos and guides that you need to 
create over the coming months, and a plan for who is responsible for creating 
  • You will understand your audience, and be clear on the best places to engage 
with them. Your people will know what they should be doing on Twitter, Google+ 
or Instagram so social media becomes a purposeful and manageable activity.
  • You will have an essential reference point when planning your content so you’ll 
know which ideas to say yes to and which to decline.

“If you want to make content marketing work have a game plan. Start with the strategy.”

Hands on help from Valuable Content

We’d love to help you make content marketing work for your business. Here’s how we can support you:

  • Skill yourself up with a workshop. Find out what makes content marketing work – workshops
  • Learn the approach in a group. Sign up for Pub School. Create a valuable content marketing strategy so you get into action and are ready for success.
  • Get hands on help? Hire us as your content partners – we call this service Content Lab.

Want to make content marketing work for you?

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