Pack your website full of value

The company website is a niggling thorn in the side of many a business owner, with investment often yielding only disappointing results.

“The website looks great and describes our services well, so where are the leads I expected?”

If, like many other professionals yours is no more than a static, online brochure this could be where the problem lies. It is possible to turn your website into a lead generating machine but you are going to have to take a different approach.

Most clients are not searching for your company: they are looking for answers to their business problems. They want ideas, solutions and resources to help make them more successful: they are searching for valuable content.

Instead of just describing you and your services, put your client and their needs at the heart of your site: fill your website with valuable information, crafted just for them.

Give them the information that they are looking for and you’ll brand yourself as a valuable resource – the ‘go to’ place for the answers they seek.

Here are 4 ways to make your website more valuable:

  1. Write articles: Regular articles about your area of expertise that inform, entertain or help them think differently motivates potential clients coming back for more.
  2. Give them something to take away: A really useful download that teaches them something important, absolutely relevant to the issues they face and you can help them solve (e.g. Consultancy does this well with their ‘Top 5 reasons’ download)
  3. Useful links and resources: Give them details of other places they can go to learn; give away a few tools they can use – a good way to trial your approach and prove your expertise.
  4. Case studies: Real life stories that show them how others who have taken the approach you prescribe have been successful.

Think first of your clients and their needs. Be generous. Do what you can to help them find the answers they seek.

This kind of win:win approach to your website will help turn prospects into buyers and buyers into long term fans.

For more on this approach, read this:

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  1. Elinor Barbary

    This is such a valuable post. It’s true; the job of websites has moved on dramatically in the last few years, and anyone who still has a static, brochure-style is missing out! When I look at the websites I visit most frequently, they are the ones which provide excellent resources and are constantly updated. And, of course, I try to do the same on my own site!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Sonja Jefferson

    I agree Eli. The static, brochure site is dead. All hail the living, breathing valuable resource hub. S

  3. Lizzie

    I must say, I think it depends on your trade. It would be inconceivable for a designer or photographer, for example, not to have an online portfolio (brochure), so to say the static site is dead is perhaps industry-specific. I know I still get found through my folio site.

    Having said that, I do agree that moving, updating content and opinion really helps us keep that static content up to date too! It seems to matter more what your opinions are about things, what you are contributing to the debate. I can’t imagine not having my blog/tweet habits on the go as a valuable part of my whole package.

    I’d be interested to hear how other designers/photographers find this panning out for them.

  4. Sonja Jefferson

    Hi Lizzie. Thanks for the comment. There is of course a place for brochure content on any site, whatever your trade but having this and only this is no longer enough in my view.

    It would be great to hear from other designers or creatives like you who have got the balance right and are getting results from giving value through their sites.


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