A new blog-based website

Hi all,

Thank you very much for checking out my new site. Like most web projects it has taken time, effort, a lot of soul searching and some very late nights to make it happen. There is still work to do but, playing by the 80:20 rule, I thought I’d launch now and tweak later.

Why change to a blog-based site?

In the past I’ve had two sites: a ‘corporate’ website and a separate blog. With this new site I’ve amalgamated the two. My intention is to place content that is valuable to my clients at the very heart of the site – to make it more useful hub and less ‘me, me, me’ sales pitch.  With this in mind, regular blog articles on all things content now march upfront, with supporting information bringing up the rear.

I’d really welcome your feedback

What I’d love to know is whether this works for you. I wrote an article last year on the four elements that people look for in a business website (see The 4 Pillars of a Successful Business Website). Based on this approach:

  • Value: does it provide content that is of value to you – information that would help you solve your business problems?
  • Trust: does it build up a better picture of me – my background, experience and credibility?
  • Usability: Is it easy to find your way around? Can you get to the content you want?
  • Presentation: does it look professional?

I’d really appreciate your feedback. You can leave a comment below, email me sonja@sonjajefferson.co.uk or tweet your ideas www.twitter.com/sonjajefferson.

What do you think? I look forward to your views.

Thank you to…


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1 Comment

  1. Ian Brodie

    Hi Sonja

    Thanks for the namecheck – and love your new blog. Very impressed at all the comments you;re getting – proof you’re writing interesting and useful stuff.



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