The Valuable Content guide to ‘things to give up for Lent’


Chocolate, wine, and shopping for shoes – just three of the things that aren’t on Valuable Content’s list of things to give up for Lent.

We hope you’ll find our real selection more useful. Read on for a quick-fire list of the things we’d like to kiss goodbye to today.

1. Jargon.  There’s always a better way of saying it. Make your content clear and accessible to all your clients – like this. An independent view on what you’re writing can be handy to ensure you’re not slipping in phrases in that will alienate your readers.

2. Flashy websites with no useful function. There are still a few about, and we’d like to see them gone.  Design your website with your user in mind.  We guarantee they’ll want useful information that helps them solve a problem over something gimmicky any day.

3. Spamming people with unrequested sales messages, over and over again. If you’re not getting results, you need to try something else. Search our content toolkit for a better approach.

4. Websites you can’t update yourself. Your website should be the hub of your marketing – the living breathing centre of your business – bursting with relevant news, blogs, and information that potential clients will love.  If every change demands a phone call to your designer, the chances are you won’t make them. Switch to a platform you can update, we’re sure you’ll thank us for it!

5. Tweeting without listening and engaging. As more and more businesses wise up to the marketing potential of Twitter,  the good Tweeters are becoming clearer, and rarer. They’re the ones that talk as well as promote.  Good Tweeters retweet others’ links, and say ‘thank you’ when you retweet theirs. Twitter is not a free listings page, it’s a conversation that can engage and entertain as well as inform.  Join in and play nicely, that’s the Valuable Content way.

What’s on your list? We’d love to know. And if we can help you with social media, new websites, or content for your business, please get in touch.

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  1. Lizzie

    Thanks for this Team Valuable!

    I’m sharpening my Lenten pen and hoping to focus on things that matter over coming weeks. Put down some things, keep hold of the most valuable, after a busy and productive start to the year where a lot gets done in a new year flourish.

    Lent is a very handy time for reviewing, making healthy, and giving meaning.

  2. Sharon Tanton

    Thanks Lizzie, that’s a lovely thoughtful reply. Focusing on the things that matter is great advice – for work, life, and everything.


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