The Valuable Content Marketing Book – the story so far

We’ve helped a fair few other businesses to write and publish their business books with fantastic results, and now it’s our turn. As some of you will know, Sharon Tanton and I are delighted to be writing the Valuable Content Marketing book, published by Kogan Page in the autumn. We want to show as many businesses as we can how to market their businesses and get their message across in the right way today, so buyers come to them.

Excitingly, the book is now available for pre-order on Amazon!

What’s it all about?

The secret to effective of marketing is simple: make yourself useful and share information that your buyers genuinely value, even look forward to. We want you to rethink your marketing:

Help, don’t sell; show, don’t tell; talk, don’t yell!

Our book tells you all you need to know to focus you marketing efforts on creating really valuable content – on and off the web – for fantastic business results. The book is on what is commonly called ‘content marketing’ – that’s the buzz phrase du jour. It’s about sharing information, or content over the Internet to engage potential buyers and delight your customers. But any old content won’t do – today only high quality content that people genuinely appreciate cuts through the noise.

If ‘content marketing’ is a bit jargony for you try this for size. Think of it as – helpful marketing, or VALUABLE marketing if you like. Our book is a clarion call for high quality, meaningful content that first and foremost helps your type of buyer, and will undoubtedly benefit you. Marketing with valuable content really works, as our clients will tell you. We can’t wait to give you the low down on how to do it well.

We’d love your help

Any good book is a collaboration and we’d love to collaborate with you. We’re looking for stories from all types of businesses about the results they’ve got from their content. If you’ve got a good content story you are willing to share – please get in touch.

Anyone who gets their story published in our book will get a mention in the acknowledgements….and a signed free copy of our book! We’ll also enter you into our Valuable Content Award nominations and you never know you might get a coveted Valuable Award badge for your site too.

>> Good content story? Contact Sonja:

The trials and tribulations of writing a book

We have an inkling that there are others of you out there who might want to write a book one day, so in the spirit of being helpful we’re going to start writing a blog a month on what we’ve learned – so when you write your book you can do it better!

In next month’s newsletter we will address the ‘publish or self-publish?’ dilemma. This was a hard decision for us as there are pros and cons each way. We’ve opted to publish the traditional route with Kogan Page and in February’s post we’ll tell you why.

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1 Comment

  1. Sean

    Hey Sonja,

    Very exciting to hear about the book. I’ve got some good stories for you. Shoot me a message!



  1. Valuable Content Marketing « The Business Huddle - [...] You can find out more about the book on Sonja’s Valuable Content blog.  [...]

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