To serve more people you need to reach more people

The very best way of increasing your impact is by being even more helpful, digging deeper into your knowledge, and generously sharing what you know with your people and the wider community.

Sonja Jefferson Sharon Tanton Valuable Content

If you want to serve more people, you need to reach more people. That’s the truth.

But how do you do that?

It can be tough to make an impact in a world that’s cynical of anything that looks like a sales message. Even with the best of intentions – you want to find the right people because you know what you’re offering will help them – the shivery spectre of self-promotion can loom large. If any kind of self-promotion feels plain wrong, the temptation can be to slink below the radar and stay small.

Luckily there is an easier and ultimately more successful way of telling a bigger story and reaching more of the right people. Take the spotlight off yourself, and throw it onto the people you want to serve.

“Take the spotlight off yourself, and throw it onto the people you want to serve.”

The very best way of increasing your impact is by being even more helpful, digging deeper into your knowledge, and generously sharing what you know with your people and the wider community.

“The path to long-term success is by creating massive value for your clients.” ― Jeff Walker

We’ve been practicing what we preach this week. We delivered an online seminar, sharing the formula behind valuable content with a group of business owners and marketers from all over the world.

A big chunk of our greatest trade secrets are in this webinar (take a peek!). So much so that some people will be able to take the lessons and run solo with them.

Some people fear giving away so much for free, but we embrace it. The more you give, the more you will receive, that’s what we believe and have seen to work.

“Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.” ― Bob Burg, The Go-Giver

By sharing what we know, we are offering our help to others to guide them on the journey in our new coaching course. Whether or not people choose to work with us, we’re so hoping that what we teach makes a huge difference to many.

Do watch the online seminar. We really hope it helps you to create even more valuable content, for far better business results.

And if you’d like more information on our course, check out more details here.

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